Add a COPY button to the syntax highlighter

Learn how to enhance your code snippets with a COPY button in your syntax highlighter. This guide provides a step-by-step solution to implement a user-friendly copy feature, improving code sharing and readability.

How to Add a COPY Button to the Syntax Highlighter

Maintaining our MDX system requires access to fs. Without it, we might need to consider transitioning to a database. The idea of adding a copy button presented two possible approaches:

  1. Integrating a button during the markdown-to-highlighter conversion process, enabling direct code copying.
  2. Adding a button that copies the content client-side, which might conflict with other elements of our setup.

To avoid complicating our system with a database or an external service, I opted for what I believe to be an adequate workaround.

Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Introduce the CSS

Add the following CSS to your stylesheet to create a visual indicator when the button is active:

.copyButton:active::after {
  content: ' ✅';
  display: inline;

Step 2: Implement the Copy Button

Use the following code to implement the actual workaround:

const result = match ? (
    <SyntaxHighlighter language={match[1]} style={dracula}>
      {String(children).replace(/\n$/, '')}
) : (
  <code className={className} {...props}>

## Alternative Approach and Edit (2024-04-19)

Another option to consider is performing the copy action using a selector and then copying from `textContent`. However, when I tried this, it didn't preserve spacing properly and resulted in a single line of code.

Ultimately, I believe the best solution is to use a button to copy the code block. It offers a straightforward and user-friendly approach.
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