Summary of today´s commits

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I like to know what has been completed, but I don't enjoy the extra work of having to document it each time. Instead, I thought I could devise a script that utilizes diffing for this task.

I initially came up with this to get the commits:

git log main --author="$(git config" --since="midnight" --until="now" --pretty=format:"%H"

But then I realized I actually need the previous commit (to make the first diff) and loop through the commits.


# Get the last commit before today
initial_commit_hash=$(git log main --author="$(git config" --until="midnight" --pretty=format:"%H" -1)

# Get today's commits
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a commits < <( git log main --author="$(git config" --since="midnight" --until="now" --pretty=format:"%H" --reverse && printf '\0' )

# Check if there are commits for today
if [ ${#commits[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
    # If there's an initial commit from before today, include it in the diffs
    if [ ! -z "$initial_commit_hash" ]; then
        echo "Diff from the last commit before today ($initial_commit_hash) to the first commit of today (${commits[0]}):"
        git diff $initial_commit_hash ${commits[0]}
        echo "-------------------------------------------"

    # Loop through today's commits and display diffs
    for ((i=0; i < ${#commits[@]}-1; i++)); do
        echo "Diff from ${commits[i]} to ${commits[i+1]}:"
        git diff ${commits[i]} ${commits[i+1]}
        echo "-------------------------------------------"
    echo "No commits found for today."
    exit 1

Then I just ran this:

./ | pbcopy

which copies the resulting diffs to the clipboard. Then, you can do whatever you want with it and create a report based on the changes today. You could filter the time window and authors in a different way and make reports for different strata.

We might talk about that later.

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